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Thursday, May 27, 2010

count your blessings

Remember when the "gratitude journals" were trendy?
I heard from a friend who heard from a friend who heard from a friend.... about writing in a journal daily
"Today I am grateful for ___________"
and listing 5 or 6 things.
Sometimes it is a stretch to come up with anything.
But those are the times that counting blessings are really important.
There's some sort of magic in being grateful.
"When upon life's billows you are tempest tossed
When you are discouraged thinking all is lost
Count your many blessings name them one by one
And it will surprise you what the Lord has done.
Are you ever burdened with a load of care,
Does the cross seem heavy you are called to bear
Count your many blessings every doubt will fly
And you will be singing as the days go by."
Johnson Oatman, Jr., 1856-1922
Right this second I am grateful for the smell of freshly cut grass.
What are you grateful for?


  1. I'm grateful for a wonderful husband, loving family, fantastic friends and my health and happiness :)

  2. I am grateful for a loving, supportive family.

  3. I am greatful for my marriage, my family, my job..... and today my awesome boss for giving me taylor swift tickets!!!

    ps. your posts are always so inspiring thanks!

  4. Great post!
    I'm greatful for my husband, family, friends, and these beautiful summer days we've been having :)

  5. well girl, supposedley I've inspired you to pull out your watercolours and paint something....?!! for this I am is so touching to know that I'm affecting people here in blogland...and that 'creativity' is rubbing off...

    now if I could only get you to show off your work! you should post it! there is no such thing as bad art! you go girl!

    thanks for stopping in!

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

  6. I am grateful to be alive, to truly understand how precious each day is! For all the wonderful people - family, friends and strangers - who continue to help me along this detour in life, when I feel I can't keep going.
    Cheers - your blogfriend
    High Heeled Life

  7. This is a lovely post. I am grateful for my son and my lovely friends. I am grateful to be walking and talking and enjoying those around me. ( : Thank you for reminding me of that! Cheers, J

  8. I'm glad you found your way to my little place. Welcome as a follower! I love interacting with inspiring women! Wow, you have an amazing blog! You are so brave to shave your locks for your mom. I think many might think that it is only superficial, but to most women hair goes so much deeper. Real love is sharing what you have! I am thankful for my friends and family. All the best to you and your loved ones!

  9. i'm thankful for sunshine.
    for fresh coffee.
    for new life.
    for a beautiful job.
    for friends.
    and for peace.

    lovely post. thanks for reminding us to be grateful :)

  10. Today is one of those days that has pushed my patience...we are leaving to attend a wedding on Saturday in NJ and my light comes on in my truck....SERVICE ENGINE SOON!!!! So I take it to the mechanic and $977.00 later, it will not be done until late there goes my pedicure and manicure...I will have no needless to has been trying...I am feeling horrible with this throat....soooooo

    I am grateful that I have the money in the bank to pay for this truck repair

    I am grateful for the bag of sugar cookies I am stuffing in my mouth as I type

    I am grateful to be alive....stressed but alive

    I am grateful to have met you my sweet friend!!!

  11. Beautiful post my dear!
    I am grateful for my family and for the lovely last 2 years of me doing what I love and for the sun....its finally here!
    Kisses my lovely and thank you for following me...So sweet!

  12. Denalee, I'd love to add your list my gratitude lists on my blog :)

  13. Thanks for facilitating thought about gratitude! Aside from all of the core people/things I'm grateful for (family, boyfriend, friends, health, career, and all that jazz), in this moment I'm grateful for a quiet night in before an action-packed extended Memorial Day weekend. My little introvert self is very happy!

  14. I am so grateful for second chances....and third and fourth and fifth ones too.
