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Monday, July 26, 2010

Make a Wish Monday

1st, my friends ... Sorry for my infrequent posts lately. I've actually been disconnected from the Internet world. I spent the last few days at ANTELOPE ... The ranch in Idaho where my mother grew up.

Which brings me to his monday's wish: I wish for my children's children and their children the serenity, peace and complete joy of being a part of nature. And the unmatchable experience of spending time exploring family roots.

To help this happen I will spend part of this week writing about my feelings of the last few days. How is it, dear readers, that a place can evoke so much feeling? I found my heart swelling as I sat by the pond and watched the cows wade; as I climbed the leaning pine; as I picked wildflowers; and as I gazed at the stars. I felt the sweetness of the exemplary lives of my ancestors. All this from just BEING in that place.

What is your wish this Monday? Do you have a place that makes your heart swell?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone


  1. My dear friend what a wonderful wish you have sent into the universe, for your children and their children and so forth!

    Nature is one of the most beautiful gifts we humans are given... and too often we take it for granted.

    My wish is for every child who has been orphaned to be connected with someone(s), a family that will love them and provide them with the foundation to be the best that they can be!!! HHL

  2. I can't think of a wish because I am so touched by High Heeled Life's wish for all orphaned children. I will send that out into the universe as well - power in numbes.

  3. I was wondering where you were. I am so glad it was someplace wonderful. My prayer for you today is that all your wishes come true for your household and for mine. May I steal your wishes? Is that legal in blogland?

    Cayucos, California, is where my heart swells and lives and always finds peace. It is where my grandparents immigrated to from Switzerland in the late 1800's. Yep, my grandparents. I somehow am a generation behind all my friends. My mother was the youngest of 14 and had me at almost 40, so there ya go.

    You amaze me, my friend. I can be so ramped up from the day and then I stop in for a quick read and suddenly I find myself taking a deep breath. Thanks.

  4. Again. I have to say seeing my family again. Love your wish posts.

  5. It's very cool that you actually know of a ranch that's named Antelope!

    I'm about to head out to my version of that place - where my family's vacationed for 20 years. It's only a day away, and it's an amazing feeling knowing you're about to head to your favorite place on Earth!

    Hope you feel recharged and refreshed after your trip!

  6. absolutely beautiful.

    i love my patio. i look out into a field and there are tons of birds. and all the surrounding neighbors' flowers, trees, garden thingys. i'm a peace in my own yard.

    hugs :)

  7. Oh I do,
    Yosemite National Park takes my breath away, even if it is just a photo or a screen snippet. It is the place where I fell in love with nature, myself and the dear man I call my partner. That is one place that truly holds my heart, and I miss it dearly.
    Love your blog!

  8. Yep Antelope is the place to reconnect and get your bearings.
    Sunday morning testimonies... my favorite.
    It must be all the love and sacrifice that continues to flow thru there!
    Love you and sorry I missed you!

  9. There is no greater joy than being amidst nature with those one loves and cherish.

  10. O my......what a great post..our nature is so great and fine......that often we wish ...???? yeah.........that all my dreams come darling happy week.........!! hugs from me.....

  11. where i live makes my heart swell. welcome back!

  12. My home full of my children and grandchildren all there at the same time makes my heart swell!!! It just doesn't happen often enough! :-)I have received a blog award and I'm passing it on to you! YOu can pick it up on my blog. Enjoy your week!

  13. So glad you are having a fantastic time!

  14. What a great wish and post! You're so lucky to be able to visit such a place!

  15. That would be any place where I can see and feel God's presence.


  16. That is a beautiful wish Denalee.

    I am so happy you had a chance to visit.

    My wish is to be a positive influence on others, there are so many people who just need someone to reach out and let them know that some one cares.

  17. You are such a deep loving person! I am certain your family loves to be around you! I love your wish Mondays!
